Today, and every day, let us honor the memory of those who gave their lives in service to our nation. They will forever be remembered, and their legacy will live on in the hearts of grateful Americans.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still on task and able to have your necessary documents prepared and emailed over for you. Jamie is still working relentlessly to get the certificates of insurance, quotes, and policy payments processed and delivered.

While we are practicing social distancing in office, we are aware of the risks our insureds are taking by continuing to roll-on and make the world go ’round.  We would like to take a moment and thank our truck drivers for maintaining deliveries, and risking exposures along the front lines with our medical, emergency and clerical.

You can request Certificates online by visiting our request page, or you can contact us by text message at (228) 325-8454


Why is my friends insurance cheaper than mine? 

Ever wonder why your friend or relatives insurance is cheaper than yours?  Is your insurance cheaper than theirs?  There is a possibility one of you could be paying too much for insurance.  With several discounts available to help decrease your premium by an average of $1,386* a year.  Imagine the savings you could combine with your home, auto and business insurance.  We have had compiled savings of over $5,400 based on 12 month policy terms for our insureds. Yes, $5,400 a year!

Discounts available vary but a few common options include:


Aside from discounts, other factors to consider are:


Could you find good use for $5,400 a year or more?  A vacation, down payment, or even additional money to invest?  These are just a few ways you could use your savings.  Oh, did I mention, my birthday is coming up and I wear a size Disney World Vacation?!!  😉

With more than a dozen discounts available, let’s get your savings started.  You never know until you have the comparison rates if you are paying the best rate now.  

*Savings based on compared coverage’s and rates of previous active policies with qualifying discounts.

Traffic is no doubt the biggest concern for travelers during the upcoming holidays.

Imagine if you were a truck driver.

They have to be even more cautious of our actions than we do of  theirs.  Holiday travel can mean busy highways, parking lots and heavy interstate traffic.  Congested roadways and anxious drivers are a cocktail for turmoil.  Sometimes we get so excited we  tend to not pay full attention to our surroundings.

Did you know, when we change lanes in front of a big truck upon a red light, we are actually taking away the extra space the driver allowed for their truck to efficiently stop. My four door sedan stops pretty quick, the freight truck behind me can not.  Truck drivers try to prepare for all scenarios but sometimes its hard to account for all actions of other drivers.  Here a few road way techniques truckers try to follow when driving and changing lanes.


Larger vehicles are unable to stop and may slide or fishtail if the brakes are needed in a hurry.
Leave at least a car length between you and the car in front of you to avoid a preventable rear-end.
Be cautious of pedestrians at cross walks and  in parking lots.
insurance agency D'Iberville MS Wet roads become slippery, keep a safe distance and reasonable speed.


Trucking Insurance

Contact an Agent

Evolving Within The Industry

In the ever evolving insurance world, it is easy to get caught up in the daily tasks.  Our key business focus is communication, teamwork, and convenience.  As the insurance industry grows, it’s important that independent agencies like ours keep up to trend and efficiency to help make the process as seamless as possible for the clients.  Buying insurance can be a daunting task on it’s own, but with the electronic possibilities and Independent agent can evolve to make this easier.  In our agency for example, we have made it possible to quote, obtain signatures, communicate through video, bind coverage and make all necessary adjustments to our clients policies without them having to do more than sign into their email.

Quoting and Accepting Insurance Policies

  • Insurance can be scary.
  • Coverage options can be confusing.
  • In-Office visits can be hectic.

Online quoting can take a toll on you.  Many of the questions: What Agency do you trust to just “hand over” your secure information to?  Are the coverage options you are choosing the best fit for what you need?  Isn’t the agent the one that helps you make the best choices?  Yes, I’m glad you mentioned that! 🙂  That is what we help with as your insurance agent.  The process doesn’t need to be scary, confusing, or solitary.  Online quoting helps get the details over to us, and we can work through the needs based on your personal answers.  No time for office visits, that is fine as well.  At Sound Insurance we are able to help you with everything without coming in.  Chaos managed.

Obtaining Signatures and Binding Your Insurance Policies

  • Via Email
  • Two-Step Signing Process
  • No In-Office Visits Required

Keeping with the flow of online Insurance Quoting, signatures and obtaining your insurance coverage’s can be just as easy.  We will of course have verbal requirements, but driving to our location is not necessary, unless you would like to do so.  You will need a valid email address and identification, but once we are ready for the final steps, it remains as easy as the first.

Communicating Through Video

  • Review Coverage Selections
  • Compare Our Best Rates Available
  • Meet Your EAgent

If you choose not to visit our locations, we would still like to make you feel like you did.  Our agents are just like you.  Personable, Understanding, and Involved.  Choosing who manages your insurance is a big deal.